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0 carbon emissions by 2050

Writer's picture: Romik RaiRomik Rai

The Elders: A group of independent global leaders working together for peace and human rights are pushing for zero carbon emission by 2050. This is not a dream – it is the outcome of extrapolating our consumption trends and observing the impact on our atmosphere. If we don’t act now then we jeopardize the future of our ecosystem.

For those who haven’t understood the problem yet – release of carbon in to the atmosphere is leading to higher temperature levels across the globe. The science in layman’s terms is that the sun provides immense heat that reflects back out through the atmosphere currently. If the atmosphere thickens, we will essentially cook ourselves in a carbon bubble. We need to act now and enjoy the liberation from dependence on traditional fuels. Technology has accelerated the pace of change and what we believed would be issues many centuries in to the future, are already staring us in the face today. From oil well mishaps to toxic chemical disasters, the news is commonplace and yet it’s hardly affecting our lifestyle choices. In describing the crises of climate, biodiversity, fuel, food, water, and of late in the financial system and the economy as a whole, UNEP state: “Although the causes of these crises vary, at a fundamental level they all share a common feature: the gross misallocation of capital. During the last two decades, much capital was poured into property, fossil fuels and structured financial assets with embedded derivatives, but relatively little in comparison was invested in renewable energy, energy efficiency, public transportation, sustainable agriculture, ecosystem and biodiversity protection, and land and water conservation.” We need to live sustainably and be carbon conscious. This is lifestyle 2.0 upgrade to the new way. Count your carbon too not just your calories.

Think about the impact of your actions on everything. In our consumer-oriented city-centric society, our individual choices become too much the focus. It is in absolute solitude in the magnificence of nature that you realize life is an energy flowing through all of us and by that I mean the planet as a whole. Visualize a utopian future on earth. Focus on that vision and if you don’t see nature and greenery in harmony with the city, you’re missing something big. For life to sustain itself, people and nature need to coexist in harmony. The fragility of our condition is abundantly clear to any a keen observer.

Human ambition is limitless and as a collective we will always be out to achieve more. But the question remains, “more what?” In the current paradigm a majority of the planet believes acquiring resources and wealth is the measure of success for a nation. Providing ample and affordable supply of goods enables a large population to coexist and thrive and prosperity and happiness is expected to follow. Where this idea fails is in its inherent assumptions. Limited resources, environmental impact of consumption and the structural imbalance in the distribution of wealth and the social implications thereof are excluded from considerations. This is a fair course to have followed thus far. It’s one that has allowed humanity to prosper for centuries. In light of having recently breached the highest levels of carbon in the atmosphere in recorded history, we are now on a disruptive path threatening the balance of our fragile ecosystem.

We cannot continue on the same trajectory of growing consumption per capita and ignoring the environmental and social impact of our actions. Carbon efficiency needs to become our primary focus in terms of governance and policy changes as well as in our day-to-day. Responsible action needs to be driven by responsible choice and carbon consciousness must replace the old ways of mindless consumption.

The ideal of true happiness is sustainability thorough harmony with nature and community. is a platform to engage people, communities and organizations to live in a sustainable and eco-friendly way.

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